Radio interviews in 2017 on KSMO radio, 1340 AM

These interviews are recorded to help you get to know the services we provide and how we help the communities we serve because we are committed to every patient, every encounter, every time. (Click on the underlined word or words to hear the interview.) The interviews are listed in date order from newest at the top to oldest at the bottom. To review last year's interviews, click here.

06/07: Debra Piatt, R.N., Infection Control Director, discussing summer safety including sun exposure and ticks.

05/24: EMS Week is celebrated in this interview today. Listen to the conversation with Deborah Hobson, L.P.N, Ambulance Director, Tabitha Stanfast, R.N., EMS Director, and some of the EMS crew here.

05/18: Kasey Lucas, Kasey Lucas, MBA, CEO and Hospital Administrator, covering the April Board meeting.

05/10: Debra Piatt, R.N., Infection Control/Education Director, raising awareness for Hospital Week being celebrated this week, along with the reminder of our Health Screening offered today and tomorrow at drastically discounted prices. If you miss this one, we have another scheduled in September, so look for the announcement.

05/03: Debbie Hines, R.N., CNO, bringing the National Nurses Week celebration coming up.

04/27: Kasey Lucas, MBA, CEO and Hospital Administrator about the April Board meeting from Tuesday, including the swearing in of board members, summary of operations for March, survey results from the ER, Acute Care and the clinic.

04/26: Kathy Weldon, MHS, MT (ASCP), Laboratory Director, covering the Medical Lab Professionals Month, as well as the upcoming Health Fair at the Salem Community Center at the Armory on May 10th and 11th.

04/12: Rhonda Hutsell, Occupational Therapist, helping us celebrate Occupational Therapist month in April.

3/23: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., CEO/Hospital Administrator, covering the March board meeting, including the summary of operations for the month of February, purchases, finance committee meeting, grants and possible city sewer for the hospital in the future.

3/15: Michelle McWhorter, R.N., Dialysis Director, discussing kidney transplants and new technology helping in that area for those in need of new organs.

3/8: Jason Edwards, M.B.A., Dietitian, informs us about National Nutrition Month and how eating impacts our overall health.

2/23: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., CEO and Hospital Administrator, covering February operations, and other hospital news.

2/8: Tabitha Stanfast, R.N., Emergency Services Director, discussing the Heart Healthy Month designation, focusing on women, since it is listed as the #1 killer of women and the signs for men and women are different.

2/1: Kathy Weldon, MHS, MT (ASCP), Laboratory Director, about the upcoming Health Screenings coming up on February 8th and 9th at the Salem Community Center@The Armory.

1/25: Debra Piatt, R.N., Infection Control and Education, discusses the "Wear Red Day" on February 3rd to make women aware of heart disease, the leading killer of women. Heart Health Month is February and we wanted to remind everyone to attend the Health Screenings February 8th and 9th at the Salem Community Center@The Armory.

1/19: Kasey Lucas, M.B.A., CEO and Hospital Administrator, covering January board meeting, including the summary of operations for December, patient survey responses, and the expansion of the VA Outpatient Clinic operations.

1/11: Kathy Weldon, MHS, MT (ASCP), Lab Manager, discussing all the types of work performed in our lab environment.

1/4: Tabitha Stanfast, R.N., Emergency Services Director, discussing the STEMI protocol and the SMDH performances with stroke patients, including our new designation as Missouri Time Critical Diagnosis System Level IV on 11/30/16.